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    5. 010-58485776
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    7. 手機訪問
    8. 華儀通泰 > 無損檢測儀器 > 鐵素體檢測儀 > 英國DIVERSE MF300H+磁力儀

      英國DIVERSE MF300H+磁力儀

      英國DIVERSE MF300H+磁力儀

      電  話: 010-58485776
      價  格: 電話詢優惠價
      品牌 英國DIVERSE
      庫存 請咨詢產品經理
      缺貨出貨日 4-6周(請咨詢產品經理)
      最小訂貨量 1臺
      更新時間 2019-05-17 14:10:02
      • 原廠進口 品類齊全
      • 順豐德邦 送貨上門
      • 專業技術 售后保障
      • 陽光采購 一站服務
      • 商品介紹
      • 詳細資料
      • 商品附件


       Average, RMS and Peak (absolute &

      bipolar) modes

       Multiple units of measurement.

       Rugged stainless steel probe

       Magnetic Test Bench mode

       Built in data logger

       Continuous bar graph display of level

       Remembers previous settings

       High current measurement mode

       Auto power off, Auto Zero facility

       Certification to NPL traceable standard

      Supplied with a protective carrying case


      Manual Ranges: (Full scale) Low 199.0 G (0.019T)

      Medium 1999G (0.19T)

      High 19990G (1.9T)

      Auto range: Automatically adjusts range with field

      Selectable units: Tesla, Gauss, Oersteds, kA/m, kA at set range

      Measurements modes Average, absolute peak, bipolar peak, true RMS

      Display 4 lines of 16 characters Shows value, units,

      mode, range and bar graph

      Internal data sample rate 500 per second

      Accuracy 1% full scale at 20C

      Probe size 2.2mm x 6.5mm 100mm long

      Non destructive testing Magnetic Test Bench mode

      Logging: 100 Samples, inter sample time

      1 -1000 seconds

      Log review and clear: User can scroll through the logged data in

      groups of 4 and zero the whole database

      Averaging Data collection and RMS averaging is set at

      default 16 samples. User can select from

      1, 16, 64 and 256

      Bar graph Continuously shows relative reading. Mono or

      bipolar mode

      Zeroing Automatic to current field

      Calibration zero recall for high ambient fields

      Probe cable length 1.5m typical

      Calibration: Calibrated by Diverse to NPL traceable standard. 12 month recalibration required for

      ISO9000 quality standard.

      Power: 4 standard AA cells , typical lifetime 12 months.

      Continuous use 30 hours

      Low battery: Automatically detects and warns user

      Instrument size: 165 x 100 x 50mm

      Weight in case: 1.1kg

      Environmental: 10 - 40C operating, 0 - 80C storage

      Humidity 0-90% non condensing

      Display update rate: 0.3 seconds

      Warranty 12 months
